A Special Welcome
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![]() This Female Computer Nerds Webring site is owned by FEMALE COMPUTER NERD [ Previous 5 Sites | Previous | Next | Next 5 Sites | Random Site | List Sites ] If you would like to join the Female Computer Nerds Webring,
How to join the Female Computer Nerds Webring
Register with the ring Updating membership information
Female Computer Nerds Webring,
is a group of sites,
or webring ('ring' for short),
held together by a shared connection;
We're female, We're NERDS,
and most importantly,
Webrings group sites with similar content by linking them together in a circle, or ring. Once a visitor arrives at one site in the webring, they can click on a "Next" or "Previous" link to go to adjacent sites in the ring and, if they do it long enough, end up where they started. Each site in a specific webring displays identical code and graphics to facilitate ring surfing. Special thanks goes to Sage Weil and the original WebRing, without whom this Female Computer Nerds Webring would not exist.
The Female Computer Nerds Webring is only for pages of, well, female computer nerds. They may be personal home pages or business sites. The webring may be placed on a page which is devoted to the work or computer activities of a female computer nerd, but it may be part of a larger site, devoted to other topics. The Female Computer Nerds Webring is meant to increase the community of femeale computer nerds by linking up our sites. If you are not sure if you page qualifies for the ring, you may write to the webmaster for further information or to have your site reviewed for appropriateness..
This is a family and community orientated ring and not for sites adult in nature. Sites included in the ring should be of general interest and appropriate for a general audience. Also, all ring members are expected to be good net citizens. This means that our members do not direct link their graphics from other sites, all graphics used on member sites should be located at the site's ISP. Sites are also expected to comply with copyright and usage limitations. All sites should have some relevance to the work of one or more female computer nerds.
First, you will need a copy of the Female Computer Nerds Webring logo, so right click on the logo below and save it to your computer. Don't change it's name (fcns.gif). This logo must be placed in the subdirectory where you have the webpage which contains the Female Computer Nerds Webring code fragment.
The Female Computer Nerds Webring Logo
Our logo is used to identify Female Computer Nerds Webring members, and so should only be used on websites for this purpose. You may reduce the size of the logo, but not alter the logo itself. Please Note:: You must place the Female Computer Nerds Webring Logo at your own provider. You may NOT link to the logo on this server.
If you are on WEB-TV: The no-direct-linking applies to you as well. You will need to make arrangements to get the file uploaded to your ISP somehow.Then you register with the ring. The page you register MUST be the page that will actually contain the Female Computer Nerds Webring code and logo. Don't register your main page unless it will be the page that displays the webring logo.After you are a member of the Female Computer Nerds Webring, if you move the ring's code and logo to another page, you must update your webring membership information to reflect this change.. Do that through the 'updating your site information' box provided below.
Registering with the Female Computer Nerds Webring will put your site in the webing's queue, where it will remain until you are added to the ring. Registering does not insert you in the ring; the actual insertion is done after your page has been reviewed.
If you and your site are ready now to register with the ring, use this link.
After you register, you will be e-mailed the ring's HTML code fragment. Be sure to keep a copy of your site's assigned id number and password - you'll need them to revise your listing in the Female Computer Nerds Webring anytime in the future.Then copy the code fragment from the e-mail message and paste it into your website page. Copy the code fragment from the e-mail message and paste it into the page you registered with the Female Computer Nerds Webring. Your code fragment will be customized for your particular site and ready to be inserted on your page.If you did not receive the code fragemnt, or if it is no longer available to you, you may get a copy of the code fragment, along with directions for it's use, from either of the Female Computer Nerds Webring boxes on this page. Edit the fragment's code and insert your own name and site id number before placing the fragment on your site. Instructions for this come with the code fragment
If your Female Computer Nerds Webring page is not your site's main page, you might want to add a link from the webring page back to your site's main page so that your visitors can view your whole site. Don't forget, it's important for visitors also to be able to get back to your webring page easily, so providing a convenient link back to the page where the webring is located is important too.
Your completed page should show the Female Computer Nerds Webring code as below, but with your own name replacing YOUR NAME.
` ![]()
This Female Computer Nerds Webring site is owned by
[ Previous 5 Sites | Previous | Next | Next 5 Sites | Random Site | List Sites ]If you would like to join the Female Computer NerdsWebring,
go here for info
Note: The above graphic is not a "working copy" of the Female Computer Nerds Webring code but is provided only to show you how it should look when installed. A working copy of the graphic installation can be seen at the top of this webpage.
AFTER the code and logo are displaying correctly on your page, e-mail the ring's webmaster at webmaster@femalecomputernerd.com and ask to be added to the ring.
After your page has been reviewed, and if it meets the Female
Computer Nerds Webring's requirements, you will be added to
the ring. You will receive an e-mail telling you that you've been added,
and will then be able to navigate the entire ring. Until that time, clicking
on the code will return you, and your visitors, to this page.
Note: A site may remain in the queue for 3 weeks. After that time, it will be automatically removed and you will have to reapply.
Note: If after you are a member of the Female Computer Nerds Webring, you move the Female Computer Nerds Webring code and graphics to another page, you must change the registered page at the Female Computer Nerds Webring. Do that through the 'upgrading your site information' box provided below.
If you are already part of the Female Computer Nerds Webring and need to edit your site's attributes (URL, your e-mail address, site description, or password), enter your site id and password below. Remember, the page that is registered with the Female Computer Nerds Webring MUST be the page that actually contains the Female Computer Nerds Webring code.
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Page created and maintained by Rita
Wondrak. Last Updated on 4 July 2000
Copyright (c) 2000 by FemaleComputerNerd.
All Rights Reserved.